Flower Colour
Flowering Dates
May, June, July, August, September
Best Seasons
autumn, winter, spring
Erect, slender shrub 1 to 3 m high. Often associated with watercourses and damp places. Pale yellow, cream, white flowers winter to spring. Dieback resistant.
Darling granite, Darling Plateau: Granite Region, Darling Plateau: Valleys Region, Darling Scarp, Darling Scarp Region, Darling valleys
Armadale, Ashendon, Bailup, Baskerville, Bedfordale, Beechina, Bickley, Boya, Brigadoon, Byford, Canning Mills, Cardup, Carmel, Chidlow, Darlington, Forrestfield, Gidgegannup, Glen Forrest, Gooseberry Hill, Gorrie, Greenmount, Hacketts Gully, Hazelmere, Helena Valley, Herne Hill, Hovea, Jane Brook, Jarrahdale, Kalamunda, Karragullen, Karrakup, Kelmscott, Keysbrook, Lesmurdie, Mahogany Creek, Martin, Millenden, Mount Helena, Mount Nasura, Mount Richon, Mundaring, North Dandalup, Orange Grove, Parkerville, Paulls Valley, Pickering Brook, Piesse Brook, Red Hill, Reservoir, Roleystone, Sawyers Valley, Serpentine, Stoneville, Swan View, Swanview, The Lakes, Upper Swan, Walliston, Whitby, Wooroloo, Wungong