Flower Colour
Flowering Dates
September, October
Best Seasons
Baumea preissii is a large rhizomatous perennial sedge with wide strap leaves. Occurs along watercourses, lakes and swamps. Brown flowers in spring.
Darling Plateau: Valleys Region, Darling Scarp, Darling Scarp Region, Darling valleys, Herdsman, Herdsman Region, Swan, Vasse & Serpentine, Swan, Vasse & Serpentine Region
Anketell, Armadale, Ascot, Ashendon, Ashfield, Bailup, Balcatta, Baldivis, Barragup, Baskerville, Bassendean, Bayswater, Beckenham, Bedfordale, Beechina, Belhus, Bellevue, Bibra Lake, Bickley, Blythewood, Boya, Brigadoon, Burswood, Byford, Canning Mills, Carabooda, Cardup, Carine, Carmel, Carramar, Caversham, Chidlow, Churchlands, Cockburn Central, Coodanup, Crawley, Darlington, Dudley Park, East Perth, Edgewater, Ellenbrook, Fairbridge, Ferndale, Forrestfield, Gidgegannup, Glen Forrest, Glendalough, Gnangara, Gooseberry Hill, Gorrie, Gosnells, Greenfields, Greenmount, Guildford, Gwelup, Hacketts Gully, Hazelmere, Helena Valley, Henley Brook, Herdsman, Herne Hill, Hopeland, Hovea, Jandabup, Jane Brook, Jarrahdale, Joondalup, Kalamunda, Kardinya, Karnup, Karragullen, Karrakup, Kelmscott, Kenwick, Keysbrook, Kingsley, Langford, Leederville, Lesmurdie, Maddington, Mahogany Creek, Mandogalup, Martin, Maylands, Millenden, Mount Hawthorn, Mount Helena, Mount Nasura, Mount Richon, Mundaring, Murdoch, Neerabup, Nirimba, North Dandalup, North Lake, North Yunderup, Nowergup, Oakley, Oldbury, Orange Grove, Orelia, Osborne Park, Parkerville, Parklands, Parmelia, Paulls Valley, Perth, Pickering Brook, Piesse Brook, Pinjar, Pinjarra, Point Grey, Ravenswood, Red Hill, Reservoir, Rivervale, Roleystone, Sawyers Valley, Serpentine, South Guildford, South Lake, South Yunderup, Stoneville, Swan View, Swanview, The Lakes, The Spectacles, The Vines, Thornlie, Upper Swan, Viveash, Walliston, Wanneroo, Wattleup, Wellard, Wembley Stirling, West Pinjarra, West Swan, Whitby, Wilson, Woodbridge, Woodlands, Woodvale, Wooroloo, Wungong, Yanchep, Yangebup