Flower Colour
Flowering Dates
January, September, October, November, December
Best Seasons
summer, spring
Gastrolobium ebracteolatum is an erect shrub from 2 to 4 metres high. Found along the edges of watercourses and swamps. It produces yellow pea flowers from spring through to summer.
Bassendean, Bassendean Swamps, Dardanup Region, Darling valleys, Forrestfield, Guildford, Herdsman, Swan, Vasse & Serpentine
Alexander Heights, Anketell, Ardross, Ascot, Ashendon, Ashfield, Atwell, Aubin Grove, Bailup, Balcatta, Baldivis, Ballajura, Banjup, Barragup, Baskerville, Bassendean, Bateman, Bayswater, Beckenham, Bedford, Bedfordale, Beechboro, Beechina, Belhus, Bellevue, Belmont, Bentley, Bertram, Bibra Lake, Bickley, Blythewood, Booragoon, Brentwood, Brigadoon, Brookdale, Bullcreek, Bullsbrook, Burswood, Canning Mills, Canning Vale Gosnells, Cannington, Carabooda, Carine, Carlisle, Carmel, Carramar, Casuarina, Caversham, Champion Lakes, Chidlow, Churchlands, Cloverdale, Cockburn Central, Collier Gardens, Como, Coodanup, Crawley, Cullacabardee, Darlington, Dianella, Dudley Park, East Cannington, East Perth, East Victoria Park, Eden Hill, Edgewater, Ellenbrook, Embleton, Fairbridge, Ferndale, Forrestdale, Forrestfield, Furnissdale, Gidgegannup, Glen Forrest, Glendalough, Gnangara, Gooseberry Hill, Gorrie, Gosnells, Greenfields, Guildford, Gwelup, Hacketts Gully, Hammond Park, Harrisdale, Haynes, Hazelmere, Helena Valley, Henley Brook, Herdsman, Herne Hill, High Wycombe, Hilbert, Hopeland, Hovea, Huntingdale, Inglewood, Jandabup, Jandakot, Jane Brook, Jarrahdale, Joondalup, Kalamunda, Karawara, Kardinya, Karnup, Karragullen, Karrakup, Kelmscott, Kensington, Kenwick, Kewdale, Kewdale Kalamunda, Keysbrook, Kiara, Kingsley, Koondoola, Landsdale, Langford, Lathlain, Leederville, Leeming, Leeming Canning, Leeming Cockburn, Lesmurdie, Lexia, Lockridge, Lynwood, Maddington, Mahogany Creek, Malaga, Mandogalup, Manning, Mardella, Mariginiup, Martin, Maylands, Melaleuca, Millenden, Morley, Mount Hawthorn, Mount Helena, Mount Pleasant, Mundaring, Murdoch, Nambeelup, Neerabup, Nirimba, Noranda, North Dandalup, North Lake, North Yunderup, Nowergup, Oakford, Oakley, Oldbury, Orange Grove, Orelia, Osborne Park, Parkerville, Parklands, Parkwood, Parmelia, Paulls Valley, Perth, Perth Airport, Piara Waters, Pickering Brook, Piesse Brook, Pinjar, Pinjarra, Point Grey, Queens Park, Ravenswood, Red Hill, Redcliffe, Reservoir, Riverton, Rivervale, Roleystone, Rossmoyne, Salter Point, Sawyers Valley, Serpentine, Seville Grove, Shelley, South Guildford, South Lake, South Perth, South Yunderup, Southern River, St James, Stoneville, Success, The Lakes, The Spectacles, The Vines, Thornlie, Victoria Park, Viveash, Walliston, Wandi, Wanneroo, Waterford, Wattle Grove, Wattleup, Wellard, Welshpool, Wembley Stirling, West Pinjarra, West Swan, Whitby, Whiteman, Willeton, Wilson, Woodbridge, Woodlands, Woodvale, Wooroloo, Yanchep, Yangebup, Yokine