Flower Colour
Flowering Dates
September, October, November, December
Best Seasons
summer, spring
Mirbelia dilatata is an erect or semi weeping prickly shrub growing up to 3m high. Bluish-purple pea flowers are produced during spring to summer. It's dieback resistant and shade tolerant, and attracts bees.
Bassendean, Beermullah, Dardanup Region, Darling Plateau Valleys, Darling Plateau Valleys, Darling valleys, Forrestfield, Swan, Vasse & Serpentine
Ashendon, Bailup, Baskerville, Bedfordale, Beechina, Bickley, Brigadoon, Canning Mills, Carmel, Chidlow, Darlington, Gidgegannup, Glen Forrest, Gooseberry Hill, Gorrie, Hacketts Gully, Hovea, Jane Brook, Jarrahdale, Kalamunda, Karragullen, Karrakup, Kelmscott, Keysbrook, Lesmurdie, Mahogany Creek, Martin, Millenden, Mount Helena, Mundaring, North Dandalup, Orange Grove, Parkerville, Paulls Valley, Pickering Brook, Piesse Brook, Red Hill, Reservoir, Roleystone, Sawyers Valley, Serpentine, Stoneville, The Lakes, Walliston, Whitby, Wooroloo