Flower Colour
Flowering Dates
July, August, September, October, November, December
Best Seasons
winter, spring
Petrophile serruriae is a prickly erect to spreading shrub reaching a height of 1.5 metres. Although widely distributed through the south west of WA, in the broader metro area it tends to be found more in areas around the foothills and on the Darling escarpment. Petrophile serruriae features deeply divided leaves and bright yellow flower cones from winter through to summer.
Darling granite, Darling laterite, Darling Plateau Valleys, Darling Scarp, Darling valleys, Forrestfield, Guildford
Anketell, Ashendon, Bailup, Baldivis, Baskerville, Beaconsfield, Bedfordale, Beechina, Beldon, Bickley, Bicton, Birchmont, Bouvard, Brigadoon, Burns Beach, Butler, Calista, Canning Mills, Carabooda, Carine, Carmel, Carramar, Chidlow, Churchlands, City Beach, Clarkson, Connolly, Coogee, Cottesloe, Craigie, Currambine, Darlington, Dawesville, Doubleview, Duncraig, East Fremantle, East Freo, Edgewater, Erskine, Falcon, Floreat, Fremantle, Gidgegannup, Glen Forrest, Gooseberry Hill, Gorrie, Hacketts Gully, Halls Head, Hamilton Hill, Heathridge, Henderson, Herne Hill, Hilton, Hope Valley, Hovea, Iluka, Jane Brook, Jarrahdale, Jindalee, Jolimont, Joondalup, Kalamunda, Kallaroo, Karnup, Karragullen, Karrakup, Karrinyup, Keysbrook, Kinross, Kwinana Beach, Kwinana Town Centre, Lakelands, Leda, Lesmurdie, Madora Bay, Mahogany Creek, Mandurah, Marmion, Martin, Meadow Springs, Medina, Merriwa, Millenden, Mindarie, Mosman Park, Mosman Pk, Mount Claremont, Mount Helena, Mundaring, Munster, Naval Base, Neerabup, North beach, North Coogee, North Dandalup, North Fremantle, Nowergup, O'Connor, Orange Grove, Orelia, Palmyra, Parkerville, Paulls Valley, Peppermint Grove, Pickering Brook, Piesse Brook, Point Grey, Port Kennedy, Postans, Quins Rocks, Red Hill, Reservoir, Ridgewood, Roleystone, Samson, San Remo, Sawyers Valley, Scarborough, Secret Harbour, Serpentine, Singleton, Sorrento, South Fremantle, Spearwood, Stoneville, Swanbourne, Tamala Park, The Lakes, The Spectacles, Trigg, Two Rocks, Walliston, Watermans Bay, Wattleup, Wellard, Wembley Downs Cambridge, Wembley Downs Stirling, Whitby, White Gum Valley, Willagee, Woodlands, Wooroloo, Yanchep