Flower Colour
Flowering Dates
August, September, October, November, December
Best Seasons
Sphaerolobium medium is a small, erect, leafless shrub that grows up to 0.5m tall. It has yellow/orange pea flowers in spring which attract bees. It's shade tolerant and resprouts after fire.
Cottesloe, Cottesloe & Cottesloe Ridges Region, Cottesloe Ridges, Dardanup Region, Darling granite, Darling laterite, Darling Plateau: Granite Region, Darling Plateau: Laterite Region, Darling Plateau: Valleys Region, Darling Scarp, Darling Scarp Region, Darling valleys, Forrestfield, Forrestfield Region, Guildford, Guildford Region, Southern River Region, Swan, Vasse & Serpentine, Swan, Vasse & Serpentine Region
Anketell, Armadale, Ascot, Ashendon, Ashfield, Bailup, Baldivis, Ballajura, Baskerville, Bassendean, Bayswater, Beaconsfield, Beckenham, Bedfordale, Beechboro, Beechina, Beldon, Belhus, Bellevue, Belmont, Bickley, Bicton, Birchmont, Blythewood, Bouvard, Boya, Brigadoon, Brookdale, Burns Beach, Burswood, Butler, Byford, Calista, Camillo, Canning Mills, Canning Vale, Canning Vale Gosnells, Cannington, Carabooda, Cardup, Carine, Carmel, Carramar, Caversham, Champion Lakes, Chidlow, Churchlands, City Beach, Clarkson, Connolly, Coodanup, Coogee, Cottesloe, Craigie, Crawley, Cullacabardee, Currambine, Darling Downs, Darlington, Dawesville, Doubleview, Dudley Park, Duncraig, East Cannington, East Fremantle, East Freo, East Perth, Eden Hill, Edgewater, Ellenbrook, Erskine, Fairbridge, Falcon, Ferndale, Floreat, Forrestdale, Forrestfield, Fremantle, Gidgegannup, Glen Forrest, Gooseberry Hill, Gorrie, Gosnells, Greenmount, Guildford, Hacketts Gully, Halls Head, Hamilton Hill, Haynes, Hazelmere, Heathridge, Helena Valley, Henderson, Henley Brook, Herne Hill, High Wycombe, Hilbert, Hilton, Hope Valley, Hopeland, Hovea, Huntingdale, Iluka, Jane Brook, Jarrahdale, Jindalee, Jolimont, Joondalup, Kalamunda, Kallaroo, Karnup, Karragullen, Karrakup, Karrinyup, Kelmscott, Kenwick, Kewdale Kalamunda, Keysbrook, Kiara, Kinross, Koongamia, Kwinana Beach, Kwinana Town Centre, Lakelands, Langford, Leda, Lesmurdie, Lockridge, Lynwood, Maddington, Madora Bay, Mahogany Creek, Maida Vale, Malaga, Mandurah, Mardella, Marmion, Martin, Maylands, Meadow Springs, Medina, Merriwa, Middle Swan, Midland, Midvale, Millenden, Mindarie, Mosman Park, Mosman Pk, Mount Claremont, Mount Helena, Mount Nasura, Mount Richon, Mujndijong, Mundaring, Munster, Naval Base, Neerabup, Nirimba, Noranda, North beach, North Coogee, North Dandalup, North Fremantle, North Yunderup, Nowergup, O'Connor, Oakley, Oldbury, Orange Grove, Orelia, Palmyra, Parkerville, Parkwood, Paulls Valley, Peppermint Grove, Perth, Perth Airport, Pickering Brook, Piesse Brook, Pinjarra, Point Grey, Port Kennedy, Postans, Queens Park, Quins Rocks, Ravenswood, Red Hill, Reservoir, Ridgewood, Rivervale, Roleystone, Samson, San Remo, Sawyers Valley, Scarborough, Secret Harbour, Serpentine, Seville Grove, Singleton, Sorrento, South Fremantle, South Guildford, South Yunderup, Southern River, Spearwood, Stoneville, Stratton, Swan View, Swanbourne, Swanview, Tamala Park, The Lakes, The Spectacles, The Vines, Thornlie, Trigg, Two Rocks, Upper Swan, Viveash, Walliston, Watermans Bay, Wattle Grove, Wattleup, Wellard, Welshpool, Wembley Downs Cambridge, Wembley Downs Stirling, West Pinjarra, West Swan, Whitby, White Gum Valley, Whiteman, Willagee, Wilson, Woodbridge, Woodlands, Wooroloo, Wungong, Yanchep