The Apace Retail & Wholesale Nursery specialises in the supply of locally occurring native Western Australian flora species of the Swan Coastal Plain and Darling Range.
Conservation and Revegetation Services
Apace provides conservation and environmental services to accelerate revegetation, restore biodiversity and preserve threatened native plant species.

Seed Bank, Seed Collection and Provenance
Apace continues to offer a complete seed service including provenance seed collection (meaning the place or origin or earliest known history), processing, recording and cool storage.

Apace has education programmes that teach Bush Regeneration, Native Seed Collection, Native Plant Propagation, Verge Conversion & Design and more.

The Apace Community Garden is the oldest community garden in Western Australia established in the early 80s.

Subsidy month of May is a highlight of the Apace calendar providing an exciting buzz and energy around the nursery.