About the Revegetation Guide Catalogues
The catalogues present the plant species in lists according to the vegetation complex in which they naturally occur. The lists are formed from those species that are currently able to be cultivated and for which seed and cutting material are available. Common names shown in inverted commas, such as “Mooja”, are Aboriginal Nyoongar names. Sizes shown are median sizes (in metres). The ranges of flowering times are shown in months. Flower colours are also indicated.
Many of our Western Australian plants are difficult, if not impossible to propagate. The lists shown in the guides are refined from the total plant species that grow in each vegetation complex. These refinements are made after considering the following factors:
- Seed and cutting material availability
- Plants can be produced in commercial quantities
- No annual and ephemeral species are included
- No rare flora or orchid species are included
- Species for which cultivation techniques have not yet been developed
With the advent of smoke-induced germination we have seen an increase in the numbers of species brought into commercial cultivation. These numbers are likely to increase still further with continued research.
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Notes on Vegetation Complexes
The map shows the different vegetation complexes of the Swan Coastal Plain and Darling Range. These vegetation complexes relate to different soil types.
The soils of the Quindalup Dune System, Cottesloe and Karrakatta soil associations and the Bassendean Dune system are termed ‘aeolian’ and are named after the Greek god of the wind, Aeolos. Aeolian soils are deposited on the coast by the ocean and then transported by the wind to form dunes. The Quindalup dunes, being the furthermost west are the youngest at approximately 0 to 7,000 years, while the Bassendean dunes are the oldest at approximately 118,000 to 225,000 years. The Ph of the Quindalup, Cottesloe and Karrakatta sands are all alkaline (limey) while the Bassendean sands are neutral to acidic.
Within this band of dunes is a system of north – south trending lakes and swamps, which have a surrounding peaty soil known as Herdsman soils. Yoongarillup soils on the other hand are the result of marine deposits and are found bordering Peel Inlet and Leschenault Inlet and Lake Clifton and Lake Preston.
Alluvial soils are soils that have been washed and transported by water. On the Swan Coastal Plain these soils are termed Forrestfield, Guildford, Swan, Beermullah, Vasse and Yanga. Southern River soils are aeolian over alluvial and consist of Bassendean sands blown over Guildford or Forrestfield soils.
The Darling Range consists of a complex mosaic of soil types that are collectively known as Darling Range laterites. In the catalogue these have been identified as Darling Scarp, Darling laterite, Darling granite or Darling valleys.